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Vybronics - one of largest suppliers of cylindrical & coin vibration motors
Strong Vibration Motors - picture 1


Strong Vibration Motors - picture 2




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旧型号 图片

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马达尺寸 (mm) 电压 (Vdc) 电流 (mA) 额定
直径/高度 主体
额定 工作 额定
VJP08-74D160A JP08-74D160A VJP08-74D160A cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 8.0 / 6.0 14.5 21.3 4.5 1.5~6.0 230 210 14000 233 4.80
VJP10-35C270M2 VJP10-35C270M2 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 10.0 / 8.0 12.5 16.9 4.8 3.0~6.0 175 126 16000 267 2.60
VJP12-25F190 JP12-25F190 VJP12-25F190 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 12.0 / 10.0 12.0 19.0 3.0 2.0~6.0 350 280 10000 167 6.00
VJP12-95J100U VJP12-95J100U cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 12.0 / 10.0 20.0 28.0 3.0 1.5~4.2 240 200 9600 160 4.80
VJP16-70E310 JP16-70E310 VJP16-70E310 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 15.5 / 12.0 18.6 27.1 7.2 2.5~7.5 180 153 8400 140 6.40
VJQ24-35E400C JQ24-35E400C VJQ24-35E400C cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 120 69 5100 85 1.50
VJQ24-35F580C JQ24-35F580C VJQ24-35F580C cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 150 93 2550 43 3.30
VJQ24-35K270B JQ24-35K270B VJQ24-35K270B cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 650 550 3600 60 8.40
产品型号 旧型号 图片 结构类型 直径/高度 (mm) 主体长度 (mm) 整体长度 (mm) 额定 (V) 工作 (V) 额定 MAX (mA) 典型值* (mA) 速度 (rpm) 额定振动频率 (Hz) 振动(Grms)值
VJP08-74D160A JP08-74D160A VJP08-74D160A cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 8.0 / 6.0 14.5 21.3 4.5 1.5~6.0 230 210 14000 233 4.80
VJP10-35C270M2 VJP10-35C270M2 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 10.0 / 8.0 12.5 16.9 4.8 3.0~6.0 175 126 16000 267 2.60
VJP12-25F190 JP12-25F190 VJP12-25F190 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 12.0 / 10.0 12.0 19.0 3.0 2.0~6.0 350 280 10000 167 6.00
VJP12-95J100U VJP12-95J100U cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 12.0 / 10.0 20.0 28.0 3.0 1.5~4.2 240 200 9600 160 4.80
VJP16-70E310 JP16-70E310 VJP16-70E310 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 15.5 / 12.0 18.6 27.1 7.2 2.5~7.5 180 153 8400 140 6.40
VJQ24-35E400C JQ24-35E400C VJQ24-35E400C cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 120 69 5100 85 1.50
VJQ24-35F580C JQ24-35F580C VJQ24-35F580C cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 150 93 2550 43 3.30
VJQ24-35K270B JQ24-35K270B VJQ24-35K270B cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 650 550 3600 60 8.40

“电流典型值” 是从给定生产批次中随机选择的20个马达的平均电流。如有要求,可提供20个马达数据的测试报告副本。


 Config 1.1  导线带连接器

 Config 1.2   焊接端子 

Strong Vibration Motors - WIRE LEAD w. CONNECTOR


Strong Vibration Motors - SOLDER TERMINALS
