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Vybronics - one of largest suppliers of cylindrical & coin vibration motors
Encapsulated Vibration Motors (Overmoldable) - picture 1


Encapsulated Vibration Motors (Overmoldable) - picture 2

我们的密封式防水振动马达系列有(聚苯乙烯)塑料外壳和 (镀镍钢)金属外壳两种。使用我们金属外壳设计的振动马达是完全封装的,且可以是包裹成型的。在外壳末端装有一个塑胶盖,使用环氧树脂固定,以防止液体渗入,且是防水的。穿过该后盖子的导线也是用环氧树脂密封。密封式振动电机最适合使用于需要将电子组件灌胶、包裹成型或完全浸入液体中的应用。在目前,我们的产品都还没有一个IS或IP的等级分类。我们塑料外壳型号的马达可用于环境要求较低的应用,而且大多数都可用于灌胶。



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旧型号 图片

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马达尺寸 (mm) 电压 (Vdc) 电流 (mA) 额定
直径/高度 主体
额定 工作 额定
VZ6CL2A0540722 Z6CL2A0540722 VZ6CL2A0540722 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 6.0 15.0 21.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 43 8500 1.00
VZ6DL2A0765217 Z6DL2A0765217 VZ6DL2A0765217 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 1.3 0.9~1.6 250 175 10000 2.60
VZ6DL2B0055211 Z6DL2B0055211 VZ6DL2B0055211 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 1.10
VZ6DL2H0125215 Z6DL2H0125215 VZ6DL2H0125215 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 1.5 1.0~1.8 80 35 10200 0.80
VZ7AJ2B1692081 Z7AJ2B1692081 VZ7AJ2B1692081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 23.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 5.10
VZ7AL2A1692081 Z7AL2A1692081 VZ7AL2A1692081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 48 5500 1.05
VZ7AL2B020208B VZ7AL2B020208B cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 21.7 3.0 2.2~3.6 50 24 7500 1.10
VZ7AL2B1692082 Z7AL2B1692082 VZ7AL2B1692082 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 5.10
VZ7AL2B1692082-L15 VZ7AL2B1692082-L15 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 5.10
VZ7AL2B169208T Z7AL2B169208T VZ7AL2B169208T cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 5.10
VZ7AL2H1692082 Z7AL2H1692082 VZ7AL2H1692082 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 1.5 1.0~1.8 370 310 11500 4.10
产品型号 旧型号 图片 结构类型 直径/高度 (mm) 主体长度 (mm) 整体长度 (mm) 额定 (V) 工作 (V) 额定 MAX (mA) 典型值* (mA) 速度 (rpm) 振动(Grms)值
VZ6CL2A0540722 Z6CL2A0540722 VZ6CL2A0540722 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 6.0 15.0 21.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 43 8500 1.00
VZ6DL2A0765217 Z6DL2A0765217 VZ6DL2A0765217 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 1.3 0.9~1.6 250 175 10000 2.60
VZ6DL2B0055211 Z6DL2B0055211 VZ6DL2B0055211 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 1.10
VZ6DL2H0125215 Z6DL2H0125215 VZ6DL2H0125215 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 1.5 1.0~1.8 80 35 10200 0.80
VZ7AJ2B1692081 Z7AJ2B1692081 VZ7AJ2B1692081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 23.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 5.10
VZ7AL2A1692081 Z7AL2A1692081 VZ7AL2A1692081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 48 5500 1.05
VZ7AL2B020208B VZ7AL2B020208B cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 21.7 3.0 2.2~3.6 50 24 7500 1.10
VZ7AL2B1692082 Z7AL2B1692082 VZ7AL2B1692082 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 5.10
VZ7AL2B1692082-L15 VZ7AL2B1692082-L15 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 5.10
VZ7AL2B169208T Z7AL2B169208T VZ7AL2B169208T cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 5.10
VZ7AL2H1692082 Z7AL2H1692082 VZ7AL2H1692082 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 1.5 1.0~1.8 370 310 11500 4.10

“电流典型值” 是从给定生产批次中随机选择的20个马达的平均电流。如有要求,可提供20个马达数据的测试报告副本。

Config 9 封装 Config 9.1 封装-包覆成型






Encapsulated Vibration Motors (Overmoldable) - WIRE LEAD w. CONNECTOR

