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Vybronics - one of largest suppliers of cylindrical & coin vibration motors
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马达尺寸 (mm) 电压 (Vdc) 电流 (mA) 额定
直径/高度 主体
额定 工作 额定
VJP08-74D160A JP08-74D160A VJP08-74D160A cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 8.0 / 6.0 14.5 21.3 4.5 1.5~6.0 230 210 14000 233 4.80
VJP10-35C270M3 VJP10-35C270M3 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 10.0 / 8.0 12.5 16.9 4.8 3.0~6.0 175 126 16000 267 2.60
VJP12-25F190 JP12-25F190 VJP12-25F190 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 12.0 / 10.0 12.0 19.0 3.0 2.0~6.0 350 280 10000 167 6.00
VJP12-95J100U VJP12-95J100U cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 12.0 / 10.0 20.0 28.0 3.0 1.5~4.2 240 200 9600 160 4.80
VJP16-70E310 JP16-70E310 VJP16-70E310 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 15.5 / 12.0 18.6 27.1 7.2 2.5~7.5 180 153 8400 140 6.40
VJP20-84J001U 1.1/1.2 20.4 / 15.4 25.0 36.8 3.0 2.0~4.2 680 6500 108
VJQ24-35E400C JQ24-35E400C VJQ24-35E400C cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 120 69 5100 85 1.50
VJQ24-35F580C JQ24-35F580C VJQ24-35F580C cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 150 93 2550 43 3.30
VJQ24-35K270B JQ24-35K270B VJQ24-35K270B cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 650 550 3600 60 8.40
VZ30C1B839981A Z30C1B839981A VZ30C1B839981A cylindrical vibration motor preview image 7 3.35 6.95 12.5 3.0 2.3~3.6 85 76 12000 200 0.45
VZ30C1T8219731 Z30C1T8219731 VZ30C1T8219731 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 3.4 6.7 11.0 2.7 2.3~3.2 85 67 14000 233 0.60
VZ30C1T8219732L Z30C1T8219732L VZ30C1T8219732L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 3.4 6.55 11.0 2.7 2.3~3.2 75 57 14000 233 0.42
VZ30C1T8460002L Z30C1T8460002L VZ30C1T8460002L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 3.0 6.8 10.8 2.7 2.3~3.2 85 67 15000 250 0.39
VZ30L4B8790008L Z30L4B8790008L VZ30L4B8790008L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 3.15 6.55 10.8 3.0 2.3~3.7 80 58 14000 233 0.50
VZ30L4B8790698L Z30L4B8790698L VZ30L4B8790698L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 3.6 7.00 10.8 3.0 2.3~3.7 80 58 14000 233 0.50
VZ3TH5B0640081P VZ3TH5B0640081P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 3.2 / 4.2 8.4 12.3 3.0 2.5~3.6 80 67 10500 175 0.75
VZ3TH5B3120066P VZ3TH5B3120066P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 3.2 / 4.2 8.4 13.1 3.0 2.5~3.6  40 27 12000 200 0.60
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VZ3TH5B3120076P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 3.2 / 3.8 8.4 13.1 3.0 2.5~3.6  16 12 8500 142 0.50
VZ3TH8B171700L Z3TH8B171700L VZ3TH8B171700L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 2.5 / 2.9 6.6 11.0 2.7 2.3~3.3 100 77 13000 217 0.40
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VZ3TL2B3120033P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 3.2 / 3.2 8.15 12.85 3.0 2.5~3.6  16 12 8500 142 0.50
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VZ3TL2B3120034P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 3.2 / 3.8 8.5 13.2 3.0 2.5~3.6  16 12 8500 142 0.50
VZ3TL5B0640080P VZ3TL5B0640080P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 3.2 / 3.8 8.5 12.4 3.0 2.5~3.6 80 67 10500 175 0.75
VZ3TL5B3120060P VZ3TL5B3120060P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 3.2 / 3.2 8.15 12.85 3.0 2.5~3.6  40 27 12000 200 0.60
VZ3TL5B3120061P VZ3TL5B3120061P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 3.2 / 3.8 8.5 13.2 3.0 2.5~3.6  40 27 12000 200 0.60
VZ43FC1A6730098U VZ43FC1A6730098U cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 4.85 10.4 15.5 1.3 1.1~1.7 105 94 9000 150 0.90
VZ43FC1B5640005L Z43FC1B5640005L VZ43FC1B5640005L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 4.3 5.5 12.0 1.3 1.3~1.6 120 87 9000 150 0.60
VZ43FC1B5640007L Z43FC1B5640007L VZ43FC1B5640007L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 4.3 7.5 12.0 3.0 2.5~3.4 100 77 10000 167 0.65
VZ43FM1B8230001L Z43FM1B8230001L VZ43FM1B8230001L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 3.4 6.55 12 3.0 2.3~3.6 85 67 12000 200 0.60
VZ4FC1B0951788U VZ4FC1B0951788U cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 4.85 7.2 11.0 3.0 2.6~3.6 105 90 10000 167 0.70
VZ4KC1B1051202 Z4KC1B1051202 VZ4KC1B1051202 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 4.0 11.3 15.6 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 42 14000 233 1.20
VZ4KH1A0031121 Z4KH1A0031121 VZ4KH1A0031121 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 5.9 11.4 16.6 1.3 1.1~1.6 85 57 8500 142 0.85
VZ4KH2B0470653N Z4KH2B0470653N VZ4KH2B0470653N cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 5.95 11.4 16.2 3.0 2.2~3.6 75 56 11000 183 1.55
VZ4KL2A0030001 Z4KL2A0030001 VZ4KL2A0030001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 11.0 15.8 1.3 1.1~1.6 85 57 8500 142 0.85
VZ4KL2A0280001 Z4KL2A0280001 VZ4KL2A0280001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 11.0 16.9 1.3 1.1~1.6 80 56 10000 167 0.65
VZ4KL2B0030001 Z4KL2B0030001 VZ4KL2B0030001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 11.0 15.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10500 175 1.15
VZ4KL2B0030471 Z4KL2B0030471 VZ4KL2B0030471 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 5.0 11.8 16.6 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 53 10500 175 1.30
VZ4KL2B0280001 Z4KL2B0280001 VZ4KL2B0280001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 11.0 16.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 50 12000 200 1.05
VZ4KL2B0780012P Z4KL2B0780012P VZ4KL2B0780012P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.6 11.2 17.0 3.0 2.5~3.6  23 18 7000 117 0.80
VZ4SH2B0071097N 5 4.0 / 5.8 10.4 14.7 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 45 10000 167 1.25
VZ4SL2A0270001 Z4SL2A0270001 VZ4SL2A0270001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 10.0 14.8 1.3 1.1~1.6 80 59 11000 183 0.65
VZ4SL2A0280001 Z4SL2A0280001 VZ4SL2A0280001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 10.0 15.9 1.3 1.1~1.6 90 57 9500 158 0.65
VZ4SL2A0280131 Z4SL2A0280131 VZ4SL2A0280131 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 4.0 10.0 15.9 1.3 1.1~1.6 85 57 10000 167 0.65
VZ4SL2B0270131 Z4SL2B0270131 VZ4SL2B0270131 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 4.0 10.0 14.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 60 47 14000 233 0.70
VZ4SL2B0280001 Z4SL2B0280001 VZ4SL2B0280001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 10.0 15.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 46 12000 200 1.85
VZ4SL2B0280131 Z4SL2B0280131 VZ4SL2B0280131 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 4.0 10.0 15.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 50 12000 200 0.55
VZ4TC2B0640001P Z4TC2B0640001P VZ4TC2B0640001P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 / 4.0 5.5 9.3 3.0 2.4~3.6  22 19 8000 133 0.40
VZ4TC2B0640002P Z4TC2B0640002P VZ4TC2B0640002P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.6 5.8 9.6 3.0 2.4~3.6  22 19 8000 133 0.40
VZ4TC2B0640007P VZ4TC2B0640007P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 6 4.0 / 5.0 5.8 9.6 3.0 2.4~3.6  22 19 8000 133 0.25
VZ4TH2B0370078L Z4TH2B0370078L VZ4TH2B0370078L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.5 8.6 12.3 3.0 2.4~3.6  30 20 10000 167 0.70
VZ4TH5B0191760L Z4TH5B0191760L VZ4TH5B0191760L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.5 8.6 11.6 3.0 2.4~3.6 85 55 14000 233 0.80
VZ4TH5B1241993L Z4TH5B1241993L VZ4TH5B1241993L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.9 8.7 11.9 3.0 2.4~3.6 85 55 14000 233 0.80
VZ4TH5B1462252 Z4TH5B1462252 VZ4TH5B1462252 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.9 8.7 12.7 3.0 2.2~3.6  30 21 13000 217 0.40
VZ4TH5B1462253L Z4TH5B1462253L VZ4TH5B1462253L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.8 8.7 12.7 3.0 2.4~3.6  30 17 13000 217 0.70
VZ4TH5B1709181L Z4TH5B1709181L VZ4TH5B1709181L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 5.5 8.9 13.4 3.0 2.4~3.6 110 84 10000 167 1.10
VZ4TH7B2120042P Z4TH7B2120042P VZ4TH7B2120042P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 6 4.0 / 5.0 8.5 12.3 3.0 2.4~3.6  12 9 8000 133 0.45
VZ4TJ1B0370011L Z4TJ1B0370011L VZ4TJ1B0370011L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1 4.0 / 5.0 8.2 12.2 3.0 2.4~3.6 95 67 14000 233 0.80
VZ4TL2B0020001 Z4TL2B0020001 VZ4TL2B0020001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 8.0 12.1 3.0 2.2~3.6 100 73 12000 200 1.25
VZ4TL2B0020011 Z4TL2B0020011 VZ4TL2B0020011 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 5.0 8.0 12.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 100 84 12000 200 1.00
VZ4TL2B0370032L 1 4.0 / 4.0 8.2 12.1 3.0 2.4~3.6  30 20 10000 167 0.70
VZ4TL2B0370055L Z4TL2B0370055L VZ4TL2B0370055L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.5 8.2 12.1 3.0 2.4~3.6  30 20 10000 167 0.70
VZ4TL2B0620043P Z4TL2B0620043P VZ4TL2B0620043P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 / 4.0 8.2 12.8 3.0 2.4~3.6  12 9 8000 133 0.45
VZ4TL2B0620044P Z4TL2B0620044P VZ4TL2B0620044P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.7 8.2 12.8 3.0 2.4~3.6  12 9 8000 133 0.45
VZ4TL2B124064X Z4TL2B124064X VZ4TL2B124064X cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.6 8.6 11.6 3.0 2.2~3.6 80 56 15000 250 1.30
VZ6CC3A0540001 Z6CC3A0540001 VZ6CC3A0540001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 11.1 6.0 15.2 20.2 1.3 1.1~1.6 70 43 8500 142 1.00
VZ6CH1A0082352 Z6CH1A0082352 VZ6CH1A0082352 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 8.05 15.3 20.8 1.3 0.9~1.6 80 67 7500 125 1.10
VZ6CL2A0080001 Z6CL2A0080001 VZ6CL2A0080001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 15.0 20.6 1.3 0.9~1.6 80 67 7500 125 1.10
VZ6CL2A0080491 Z6CL2A0080491 VZ6CL2A0080491 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 3 6.0 15.0 20.5 1.3 0.9~1.6 80 67 7500 125 1.10
VZ6CL2A0540722 Z6CL2A0540722 VZ6CL2A0540722 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 6.0 15.0 21.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 43 8500 142 1.00
VZ6DC1A0050091 Z6DC1A0050091 VZ6DC1A0050091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 17.3 1.3 0.9~1.6 85 67 8500 142 0.80
VZ6DC1B0050091 Z6DC1B0050091 VZ6DC1B0050091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 17.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DC1B0730091 Z6DC1B0730091 VZ6DC1B0730091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 18.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 90 62 7000 117 1.30
VZ6DC1B1750093 4 6.0 12.3 17.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 490 400 12000 200 2.50
VZ6DCBB0056091 Z6DCBB0056091 VZ6DCBB0056091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 17.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DCBB0735091 Z6DCBB0735091 VZ6DCBB0735091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 18.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 90 62 7000 117 1.30
VZ6DH2B1501851 Z6DH2B1501851 VZ6DH2B1501851 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 7.2 13.1 17.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 75 53 11000 183 1.20
VZ6DH2B1501852 Z6DH2B1501852 VZ6DH2B1501852 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 7.2 13.1 17.8 3.0 2.0~3.6  40 23 9500 158 1.00
VZ6DL2A0050001 Z6DL2A0050001 VZ6DL2A0050001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 12.0 17.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 85 67 8500 142 0.80
VZ6DL2A0050441 Z6DL2A0050441 VZ6DL2A0050441 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 12.0 17.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 85 67 8500 142 0.80
VZ6DL2A0170001 Z6DL2A0170001 VZ6DL2A0170001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 12.0 17.3 1.3 0.9~1.6 100 72 7000 117 0.95
VZ6DL2A0170441 Z6DL2A0170441 VZ6DL2A0170441 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 12.0 17.3 1.3 0.9~1.6 100 72 7000 117 0.95
VZ6DL2A0765217 Z6DL2A0765217 VZ6DL2A0765217 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 1.3 0.9~1.6 250 175 10000 167 2.60
VZ6DL2B0050001 Z6DL2B0050001 VZ6DL2B0050001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 12.0 17.1 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DL2B0050441 Z6DL2B0050441 VZ6DL2B0050441 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 12.0 17.1 3.0 2.0~3.8 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DL2B0055211 Z6DL2B0055211 VZ6DL2B0055211 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DL2B0170001 Z6DL2B0170001 VZ6DL2B0170001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 12.0 17.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 85 53 8000 133 1.80
VZ6DL2B0541192 Z6DL2B0541192 VZ6DL2B0541192 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 6.0 / 6.7 12.4 17.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 90 67 11000 183 2.40
VZ6DL2B1501193 Z6DL2B1501193 VZ6DL2B1501193 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 6.0 / 6.7 12.4 17.0 3.0 2.0~3.6  40 26 9500 158 1.00
VZ6DL2H0125215 Z6DL2H0125215 VZ6DL2H0125215 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 1.5 1.0~1.8 80 35 10200 170 0.80
VZ6GL2A0050461 Z6GL2A0050461 VZ6GL2A0050461 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 3 6.0 13.5 18.6 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 48 8000 133 1.00
VZ6SC0A0060081 Z6SC0A0060081 VZ6SC0A0060081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.4 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 68 8500 142 0.80
VZ6SC0A0150081 Z6SC0A0150081 VZ6SC0A0150081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.0 1.3 0.9~1.6 80 65 9000 150 0.65
VZ6SC0B0060081 Z6SC0B0060081 VZ6SC0B0060081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SC0B0150081 Z6SC0B0150081 VZ6SC0B0150081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 45 10000 167 1.25
VZ6SC0B0170081 Z6SC0B0170081 VZ6SC0B0170081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 15.7 3.0 2.2~3.6 75 48 8000 133 1.25
VZ6SC3A0060001 Z6SC3A0060001 VZ6SC3A0060001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 11.1 6.0 10.2 14.3 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 68 8500 142 0.70
VZ6SCAA0061141 Z6SCAA0061141 VZ6SCAA0061141 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.4 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 68 8500 142 0.70
VZ6SCAB0061141 Z6SCAB0061141 VZ6SCAB0061141 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SCAB0171141 VZ6SCAB0171141 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 15.6 3.0 2.2~3.6 75 48 8000 133 1.25
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VZ6SCAB0761141 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 16.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 160 120 12000 200 1.70
VZ6SH1A0060711 Z6SH1A0060711 VZ6SH1A0060711 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 8.05 10.3 14.4 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 68 8500 142 0.80
VZ6SH1B0060711 Z6SH1B0060711 VZ6SH1B0060711 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 8.05 10.3 14.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SL2A0060001 Z6SL2A0060001 VZ6SL2A0060001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 14.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 65 8500 142 0.80
VZ6SL2A0060071 Z6SL2A0060071 VZ6SL2A0060071 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 10.0 14.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 65 8500 142 0.80
VZ6SL2A0120001 Z6SL2A0120001 VZ6SL2A0120001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 14.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 75 55 8000 133 0.70
VZ6SL2B0060001 Z6SL2B0060001 VZ6SL2B0060001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 14.1 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 50 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SL2B0060071 Z6SL2B0060071 VZ6SL2B0060071 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 10.2 14.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SL2B0120001 Z6SL2B0120001 VZ6SL2B0120001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 14.1 3.0 2.2~3.8 70 45 11000 183 1.05
VZ6SL2B0760002 VZ6SL2B0760002 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 16.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 160 93 12000 200 2.40
VZ7AJ2B1692081 Z7AJ2B1692081 VZ7AJ2B1692081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 23.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2A009000A Z7AL2A009000A VZ7AL2A009000A cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 7.0 16.5 21.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 65 37 6000 100 0.85
VZ7AL2A1690001 Z7AL2A1690001 VZ7AL2A1690001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 7.0 16.5 23.0 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 48 5500 92 1.05
VZ7AL2A1692081 Z7AL2A1692081 VZ7AL2A1692081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 48 5500 92 1.05
VZ7AL2B020208B VZ7AL2B020208B cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 21.7 3.0 2.2~3.6 50 24 7500 125 1.10
VZ7AL2B1690002 Z7AL2B1690002 VZ7AL2B1690002 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 7.0 16.5 23.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2B1692082 Z7AL2B1692082 VZ7AL2B1692082 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2B1692082-L15 VZ7AL2B1692082-L15 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2B169208T Z7AL2B169208T VZ7AL2B169208T cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2B1692612 Z7AL2B1692612 VZ7AL2B1692612 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 7.0 16.5 23.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2H1690002 Z7AL2H1690002 VZ7AL2H1690002 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 7.0 16.5 23.0 1.5 1.0~1.8 370 310 11500 192 4.10
VZ7AL2H1692082 Z7AL2H1692082 VZ7AL2H1692082 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 1.5 1.0~1.8 370 310 11500 192 4.10
VZ7AV2K0760001L VZ7AV2K0760001L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1 7.0 17.7 23.05 5.0 3.0~5.0 100 78 7000 117 2.50
产品型号 旧型号 图片 结构类型 直径/高度 (mm) 主体长度 (mm) 整体长度 (mm) 额定 (V) 工作 (V) 额定 MAX (mA) 典型值* (mA) 速度 (rpm) 额定振动频率 (Hz) 振动(Grms)值
VJP08-74D160A JP08-74D160A VJP08-74D160A cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 8.0 / 6.0 14.5 21.3 4.5 1.5~6.0 230 210 14000 233 4.80
VJP10-35C270M3 VJP10-35C270M3 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 10.0 / 8.0 12.5 16.9 4.8 3.0~6.0 175 126 16000 267 2.60
VJP12-25F190 JP12-25F190 VJP12-25F190 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 12.0 / 10.0 12.0 19.0 3.0 2.0~6.0 350 280 10000 167 6.00
VJP12-95J100U VJP12-95J100U cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 12.0 / 10.0 20.0 28.0 3.0 1.5~4.2 240 200 9600 160 4.80
VJP16-70E310 JP16-70E310 VJP16-70E310 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 15.5 / 12.0 18.6 27.1 7.2 2.5~7.5 180 153 8400 140 6.40
VJP20-84J001U 1.1/1.2 20.4 / 15.4 25.0 36.8 3.0 2.0~4.2 680 6500 108
VJQ24-35E400C JQ24-35E400C VJQ24-35E400C cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 120 69 5100 85 1.50
VJQ24-35F580C JQ24-35F580C VJQ24-35F580C cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 150 93 2550 43 3.30
VJQ24-35K270B JQ24-35K270B VJQ24-35K270B cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1/1.2 24.4 13.0 25.0 5.0 4.0~8.0 650 550 3600 60 8.40
VZ30C1B839981A Z30C1B839981A VZ30C1B839981A cylindrical vibration motor preview image 7 3.35 6.95 12.5 3.0 2.3~3.6 85 76 12000 200 0.45
VZ30C1T8219731 Z30C1T8219731 VZ30C1T8219731 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 3.4 6.7 11.0 2.7 2.3~3.2 85 67 14000 233 0.60
VZ30C1T8219732L Z30C1T8219732L VZ30C1T8219732L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 3.4 6.55 11.0 2.7 2.3~3.2 75 57 14000 233 0.42
VZ30C1T8460002L Z30C1T8460002L VZ30C1T8460002L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 3.0 6.8 10.8 2.7 2.3~3.2 85 67 15000 250 0.39
VZ30L4B8790008L Z30L4B8790008L VZ30L4B8790008L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 3.15 6.55 10.8 3.0 2.3~3.7 80 58 14000 233 0.50
VZ30L4B8790698L Z30L4B8790698L VZ30L4B8790698L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 3.6 7.00 10.8 3.0 2.3~3.7 80 58 14000 233 0.50
VZ3TH5B0640081P VZ3TH5B0640081P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 3.2 / 4.2 8.4 12.3 3.0 2.5~3.6 80 67 10500 175 0.75
VZ3TH5B3120066P VZ3TH5B3120066P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 3.2 / 4.2 8.4 13.1 3.0 2.5~3.6  40 27 12000 200 0.60
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VZ3TH5B3120076P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 3.2 / 3.8 8.4 13.1 3.0 2.5~3.6  16 12 8500 142 0.50
VZ3TH8B171700L Z3TH8B171700L VZ3TH8B171700L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 2.5 / 2.9 6.6 11.0 2.7 2.3~3.3 100 77 13000 217 0.40
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VZ3TL2B3120033P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 3.2 / 3.2 8.15 12.85 3.0 2.5~3.6  16 12 8500 142 0.50
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VZ3TL2B3120034P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 3.2 / 3.8 8.5 13.2 3.0 2.5~3.6  16 12 8500 142 0.50
VZ3TL5B0640080P VZ3TL5B0640080P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 3.2 / 3.8 8.5 12.4 3.0 2.5~3.6 80 67 10500 175 0.75
VZ3TL5B3120060P VZ3TL5B3120060P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 3.2 / 3.2 8.15 12.85 3.0 2.5~3.6  40 27 12000 200 0.60
VZ3TL5B3120061P VZ3TL5B3120061P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 3.2 / 3.8 8.5 13.2 3.0 2.5~3.6  40 27 12000 200 0.60
VZ43FC1A6730098U VZ43FC1A6730098U cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 4.85 10.4 15.5 1.3 1.1~1.7 105 94 9000 150 0.90
VZ43FC1B5640005L Z43FC1B5640005L VZ43FC1B5640005L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 4.3 5.5 12.0 1.3 1.3~1.6 120 87 9000 150 0.60
VZ43FC1B5640007L Z43FC1B5640007L VZ43FC1B5640007L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 4.3 7.5 12.0 3.0 2.5~3.4 100 77 10000 167 0.65
VZ43FM1B8230001L Z43FM1B8230001L VZ43FM1B8230001L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 3.4 6.55 12 3.0 2.3~3.6 85 67 12000 200 0.60
VZ4FC1B0951788U VZ4FC1B0951788U cylindrical vibration motor preview image 15 4.85 7.2 11.0 3.0 2.6~3.6 105 90 10000 167 0.70
VZ4KC1B1051202 Z4KC1B1051202 VZ4KC1B1051202 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 4.0 11.3 15.6 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 42 14000 233 1.20
VZ4KH1A0031121 Z4KH1A0031121 VZ4KH1A0031121 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 5.9 11.4 16.6 1.3 1.1~1.6 85 57 8500 142 0.85
VZ4KH2B0470653N Z4KH2B0470653N VZ4KH2B0470653N cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 5.95 11.4 16.2 3.0 2.2~3.6 75 56 11000 183 1.55
VZ4KL2A0030001 Z4KL2A0030001 VZ4KL2A0030001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 11.0 15.8 1.3 1.1~1.6 85 57 8500 142 0.85
VZ4KL2A0280001 Z4KL2A0280001 VZ4KL2A0280001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 11.0 16.9 1.3 1.1~1.6 80 56 10000 167 0.65
VZ4KL2B0030001 Z4KL2B0030001 VZ4KL2B0030001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 11.0 15.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10500 175 1.15
VZ4KL2B0030471 Z4KL2B0030471 VZ4KL2B0030471 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 5.0 11.8 16.6 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 53 10500 175 1.30
VZ4KL2B0280001 Z4KL2B0280001 VZ4KL2B0280001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 11.0 16.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 50 12000 200 1.05
VZ4KL2B0780012P Z4KL2B0780012P VZ4KL2B0780012P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.6 11.2 17.0 3.0 2.5~3.6  23 18 7000 117 0.80
VZ4SH2B0071097N 5 4.0 / 5.8 10.4 14.7 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 45 10000 167 1.25
VZ4SL2A0270001 Z4SL2A0270001 VZ4SL2A0270001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 10.0 14.8 1.3 1.1~1.6 80 59 11000 183 0.65
VZ4SL2A0280001 Z4SL2A0280001 VZ4SL2A0280001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 10.0 15.9 1.3 1.1~1.6 90 57 9500 158 0.65
VZ4SL2A0280131 Z4SL2A0280131 VZ4SL2A0280131 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 4.0 10.0 15.9 1.3 1.1~1.6 85 57 10000 167 0.65
VZ4SL2B0270131 Z4SL2B0270131 VZ4SL2B0270131 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 4.0 10.0 14.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 60 47 14000 233 0.70
VZ4SL2B0280001 Z4SL2B0280001 VZ4SL2B0280001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 10.0 15.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 46 12000 200 1.85
VZ4SL2B0280131 Z4SL2B0280131 VZ4SL2B0280131 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 4.0 10.0 15.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 50 12000 200 0.55
VZ4TC2B0640001P Z4TC2B0640001P VZ4TC2B0640001P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 / 4.0 5.5 9.3 3.0 2.4~3.6  22 19 8000 133 0.40
VZ4TC2B0640002P Z4TC2B0640002P VZ4TC2B0640002P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.6 5.8 9.6 3.0 2.4~3.6  22 19 8000 133 0.40
VZ4TC2B0640007P VZ4TC2B0640007P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 6 4.0 / 5.0 5.8 9.6 3.0 2.4~3.6  22 19 8000 133 0.25
VZ4TH2B0370078L Z4TH2B0370078L VZ4TH2B0370078L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.5 8.6 12.3 3.0 2.4~3.6  30 20 10000 167 0.70
VZ4TH5B0191760L Z4TH5B0191760L VZ4TH5B0191760L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.5 8.6 11.6 3.0 2.4~3.6 85 55 14000 233 0.80
VZ4TH5B1241993L Z4TH5B1241993L VZ4TH5B1241993L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.9 8.7 11.9 3.0 2.4~3.6 85 55 14000 233 0.80
VZ4TH5B1462252 Z4TH5B1462252 VZ4TH5B1462252 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.9 8.7 12.7 3.0 2.2~3.6  30 21 13000 217 0.40
VZ4TH5B1462253L Z4TH5B1462253L VZ4TH5B1462253L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 4.8 8.7 12.7 3.0 2.4~3.6  30 17 13000 217 0.70
VZ4TH5B1709181L Z4TH5B1709181L VZ4TH5B1709181L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 4.0 / 5.5 8.9 13.4 3.0 2.4~3.6 110 84 10000 167 1.10
VZ4TH7B2120042P Z4TH7B2120042P VZ4TH7B2120042P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 6 4.0 / 5.0 8.5 12.3 3.0 2.4~3.6  12 9 8000 133 0.45
VZ4TJ1B0370011L Z4TJ1B0370011L VZ4TJ1B0370011L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1 4.0 / 5.0 8.2 12.2 3.0 2.4~3.6 95 67 14000 233 0.80
VZ4TL2B0020001 Z4TL2B0020001 VZ4TL2B0020001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 8.0 12.1 3.0 2.2~3.6 100 73 12000 200 1.25
VZ4TL2B0020011 Z4TL2B0020011 VZ4TL2B0020011 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 5.0 8.0 12.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 100 84 12000 200 1.00
VZ4TL2B0370032L 1 4.0 / 4.0 8.2 12.1 3.0 2.4~3.6  30 20 10000 167 0.70
VZ4TL2B0370055L Z4TL2B0370055L VZ4TL2B0370055L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.5 8.2 12.1 3.0 2.4~3.6  30 20 10000 167 0.70
VZ4TL2B0620043P Z4TL2B0620043P VZ4TL2B0620043P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 4.0 / 4.0 8.2 12.8 3.0 2.4~3.6  12 9 8000 133 0.45
VZ4TL2B0620044P Z4TL2B0620044P VZ4TL2B0620044P cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.7 8.2 12.8 3.0 2.4~3.6  12 9 8000 133 0.45
VZ4TL2B124064X Z4TL2B124064X VZ4TL2B124064X cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 4.0 / 4.6 8.6 11.6 3.0 2.2~3.6 80 56 15000 250 1.30
VZ6CC3A0540001 Z6CC3A0540001 VZ6CC3A0540001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 11.1 6.0 15.2 20.2 1.3 1.1~1.6 70 43 8500 142 1.00
VZ6CH1A0082352 Z6CH1A0082352 VZ6CH1A0082352 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 8.05 15.3 20.8 1.3 0.9~1.6 80 67 7500 125 1.10
VZ6CL2A0080001 Z6CL2A0080001 VZ6CL2A0080001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 15.0 20.6 1.3 0.9~1.6 80 67 7500 125 1.10
VZ6CL2A0080491 Z6CL2A0080491 VZ6CL2A0080491 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 3 6.0 15.0 20.5 1.3 0.9~1.6 80 67 7500 125 1.10
VZ6CL2A0540722 Z6CL2A0540722 VZ6CL2A0540722 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 6.0 15.0 21.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 43 8500 142 1.00
VZ6DC1A0050091 Z6DC1A0050091 VZ6DC1A0050091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 17.3 1.3 0.9~1.6 85 67 8500 142 0.80
VZ6DC1B0050091 Z6DC1B0050091 VZ6DC1B0050091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 17.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DC1B0730091 Z6DC1B0730091 VZ6DC1B0730091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 18.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 90 62 7000 117 1.30
VZ6DC1B1750093 4 6.0 12.3 17.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 490 400 12000 200 2.50
VZ6DCBB0056091 Z6DCBB0056091 VZ6DCBB0056091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 17.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DCBB0735091 Z6DCBB0735091 VZ6DCBB0735091 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 12.3 18.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 90 62 7000 117 1.30
VZ6DH2B1501851 Z6DH2B1501851 VZ6DH2B1501851 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 7.2 13.1 17.8 3.0 2.2~3.6 75 53 11000 183 1.20
VZ6DH2B1501852 Z6DH2B1501852 VZ6DH2B1501852 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 7.2 13.1 17.8 3.0 2.0~3.6  40 23 9500 158 1.00
VZ6DL2A0050001 Z6DL2A0050001 VZ6DL2A0050001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 12.0 17.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 85 67 8500 142 0.80
VZ6DL2A0050441 Z6DL2A0050441 VZ6DL2A0050441 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 12.0 17.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 85 67 8500 142 0.80
VZ6DL2A0170001 Z6DL2A0170001 VZ6DL2A0170001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 12.0 17.3 1.3 0.9~1.6 100 72 7000 117 0.95
VZ6DL2A0170441 Z6DL2A0170441 VZ6DL2A0170441 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 12.0 17.3 1.3 0.9~1.6 100 72 7000 117 0.95
VZ6DL2A0765217 Z6DL2A0765217 VZ6DL2A0765217 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 1.3 0.9~1.6 250 175 10000 167 2.60
VZ6DL2B0050001 Z6DL2B0050001 VZ6DL2B0050001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 12.0 17.1 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DL2B0050441 Z6DL2B0050441 VZ6DL2B0050441 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 12.0 17.1 3.0 2.0~3.8 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DL2B0055211 Z6DL2B0055211 VZ6DL2B0055211 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 57 11000 183 1.10
VZ6DL2B0170001 Z6DL2B0170001 VZ6DL2B0170001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 12.0 17.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 85 53 8000 133 1.80
VZ6DL2B0541192 Z6DL2B0541192 VZ6DL2B0541192 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 6.0 / 6.7 12.4 17.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 90 67 11000 183 2.40
VZ6DL2B1501193 Z6DL2B1501193 VZ6DL2B1501193 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 17 6.0 / 6.7 12.4 17.0 3.0 2.0~3.6  40 26 9500 158 1.00
VZ6DL2H0125215 Z6DL2H0125215 VZ6DL2H0125215 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9.1 6.0 12.0 24.5 1.5 1.0~1.8 80 35 10200 170 0.80
VZ6GL2A0050461 Z6GL2A0050461 VZ6GL2A0050461 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 3 6.0 13.5 18.6 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 48 8000 133 1.00
VZ6SC0A0060081 Z6SC0A0060081 VZ6SC0A0060081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.4 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 68 8500 142 0.80
VZ6SC0A0150081 Z6SC0A0150081 VZ6SC0A0150081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.0 1.3 0.9~1.6 80 65 9000 150 0.65
VZ6SC0B0060081 Z6SC0B0060081 VZ6SC0B0060081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SC0B0150081 Z6SC0B0150081 VZ6SC0B0150081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 45 10000 167 1.25
VZ6SC0B0170081 Z6SC0B0170081 VZ6SC0B0170081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 15.7 3.0 2.2~3.6 75 48 8000 133 1.25
VZ6SC3A0060001 Z6SC3A0060001 VZ6SC3A0060001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 11.1 6.0 10.2 14.3 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 68 8500 142 0.70
VZ6SCAA0061141 Z6SCAA0061141 VZ6SCAA0061141 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.4 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 68 8500 142 0.70
VZ6SCAB0061141 Z6SCAB0061141 VZ6SCAB0061141 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 14.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SCAB0171141 VZ6SCAB0171141 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 15.6 3.0 2.2~3.6 75 48 8000 133 1.25
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VZ6SCAB0761141 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 4 6.0 10.3 16.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 160 120 12000 200 1.70
VZ6SH1A0060711 Z6SH1A0060711 VZ6SH1A0060711 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 8.05 10.3 14.4 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 68 8500 142 0.80
VZ6SH1B0060711 Z6SH1B0060711 VZ6SH1B0060711 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 5 6.0 / 8.05 10.3 14.4 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SL2A0060001 Z6SL2A0060001 VZ6SL2A0060001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 14.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 65 8500 142 0.80
VZ6SL2A0060071 Z6SL2A0060071 VZ6SL2A0060071 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 10.0 14.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 90 65 8500 142 0.80
VZ6SL2A0120001 Z6SL2A0120001 VZ6SL2A0120001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 14.1 1.3 0.9~1.6 75 55 8000 133 0.70
VZ6SL2B0060001 Z6SL2B0060001 VZ6SL2B0060001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 14.1 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 50 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SL2B0060071 Z6SL2B0060071 VZ6SL2B0060071 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 6.0 10.2 14.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 70 52 10000 167 1.10
VZ6SL2B0120001 Z6SL2B0120001 VZ6SL2B0120001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 14.1 3.0 2.2~3.8 70 45 11000 183 1.05
VZ6SL2B0760002 VZ6SL2B0760002 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 6.0 10.0 16.3 3.0 2.2~3.6 160 93 12000 200 2.40
VZ7AJ2B1692081 Z7AJ2B1692081 VZ7AJ2B1692081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 23.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2A009000A Z7AL2A009000A VZ7AL2A009000A cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 7.0 16.5 21.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 65 37 6000 100 0.85
VZ7AL2A1690001 Z7AL2A1690001 VZ7AL2A1690001 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 7.0 16.5 23.0 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 48 5500 92 1.05
VZ7AL2A1692081 Z7AL2A1692081 VZ7AL2A1692081 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 1.3 0.9~1.6 70 48 5500 92 1.05
VZ7AL2B020208B VZ7AL2B020208B cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 21.7 3.0 2.2~3.6 50 24 7500 125 1.10
VZ7AL2B1690002 Z7AL2B1690002 VZ7AL2B1690002 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 7.0 16.5 23.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2B1692082 Z7AL2B1692082 VZ7AL2B1692082 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2B1692082-L15 VZ7AL2B1692082-L15 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2B169208T Z7AL2B169208T VZ7AL2B169208T cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2B1692612 Z7AL2B1692612 VZ7AL2B1692612 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 2 7.0 16.5 23.0 3.0 2.2~3.6 250 180 12000 200 5.10
VZ7AL2H1690002 Z7AL2H1690002 VZ7AL2H1690002 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1 7.0 16.5 23.0 1.5 1.0~1.8 370 310 11500 192 4.10
VZ7AL2H1692082 Z7AL2H1692082 VZ7AL2H1692082 cylindrical vibration motor preview image 9 7.0 16.5 24.9 1.5 1.0~1.8 370 310 11500 192 4.10
VZ7AV2K0760001L VZ7AV2K0760001L cylindrical vibration motor preview image 1.1 7.0 17.7 23.05 5.0 3.0~5.0 100 78 7000 117 2.50

“电流典型值” 是从给定生产批次中随机选择的20个马达的平均电流。如有要求,可提供20个马达数据的测试报告副本。



 Config 1 导线  Config 1.1 导线带连接器

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - WIRE LEAD TYPE 

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - WIRE LEAD w. CONNECTOR


 Config 1.2 焊接端子

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - SOLDER TERMINALS

 Config 2 导线,带PCB支架  Config 3 导线,带PCB支架

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - WIRE LEAD W. PCB BRACKET

Cylindrical Vibration Motors -WIRE LEAD W. PCB BRACKET

 Config 4 PCB插孔安装  Config 5 压缩弹片安装

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - THOUGH-HOLE PCB MOUNTED

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - COMPRESSION SPRING MOUNT

 Config 6 压缩弹片安装  Config 7 PCB中置SMD回流焊安装

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - COMPRESSION SPRING MOUNT

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - MID-MOUNT PCB SMD REFLOW
 Config 9 封装  Config 9.1 封装-包覆成型





 Config 11.1 灯泡式后触点接触 Config 13 压缩弹片安装

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - LIGHT BULB STYLE REAR CONTACT

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - COMPRESSION SPRING MOUNT

 Config 14 压缩弹片安装 Config 15 表面贴片安装(可回流焊接)

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - COMPRESSION SPRING MOUNT

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - SURFACE MOUNT TYPE (reflow solderable)

 Config 16 表面贴片安装(可回流焊接)  Config 17 导线带橡胶套

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - SURFACE MOUNT TYPE (reflow solderable)

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - WIRE LEAD WITH RUBBER GASKET ( RUBBER BOOT )

 Config 18 柔性线路板(FPC)

Cylindrical Vibration Motors - FLEXIBLE CIRCUIT (FPC)
